TOK Conference
The Theory of Knowledge (ToK) is a course taught in the IB program during the diploma years. This course allows students to explore and share different perspectives on knowledge issues.
To allow students to take a step back from knowledge and its modes of acquisition since 2011, the Oasis International School continues to annually organize the ToK Forum. It is a structured and formal conference which aims to encourage students to build personal reflections based on the following two questions: "What do I know?" and "How do I know? ”.
The forum is organized by the students of the school under the supervision of the MUN directors, to ensure that the delegates participate in a fruitful and stimulating debate. The theme for this ninth year is "Internationalism and identity building".
This year, the forum is made up of four committees: the Arts Committee, the Culture Committee, the History Committee, and the Language Committee. In each committee, two issues are discussed. These issues are based on controversial themes that allow participants to access knowledge in different areas, through different modes: imagination, reason, sensory perception, emotion, intuition, faith, memory.
The following are issues discussed this year:
To what extent does art allow access to certain truths?
To what extent is culture a necessary condition for our freedom?
To what extent does the study of history allow us to understand the present?
To what extent is the deepening of thought based on the enrichment of language?