What is the CP?

The CP (Career-related Program) is the fourth IB program which proposes two different paths to the students :

CP graduates either enter the business world and work in the specialized field they choose, or they can further their studies in universities.

It is this opportunity that Oasis International School chose to offer to the students wishing to engage in career-related learning.

Aware that the business world is rapidly growing and developing, we offer a business program, via the BTEC of Pearson program, to open a wide range of opportunities to our students interested in this domain.

The IB CP Curriculum

 CP learners follow :

- at least a minimum of two IB Diploma Program courses providing theoretical bases and a strong academic program.

- a core consisting of four components (learning by service, language development, personal and professional skills, and reflective project) helping learners to develop skills and competencies required for lifelong learning.

- professional training which supports the value of the academic program strength by providing practical and real-world approaches to learning.

Learners follow the same requirement for the two courses evaluation for their IB Diploma Program and for the core. The BTEC Program has its own evaluation criteria.

CP: a university entry qualification

 Many universities around the world in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States have already accepted learners with the CP degree, including the Canadian University of Dubai, Florida Atlantic University, University of Westminster, Birmingham University, and the University of Middlesex Dubai.

Since the beginning of its authorization in schools in 2012, nearly 139 schools currently offer it in more than 23 countries. More than 2500 learners have passed the CP exams since 2016.

To find more about IB CP, visit the IB website:
